Honest Publishing and Why I'm Not Doing it

 My goal with this post is to take a bold step and post a VERY honest reflection that I have written but, I will instead explain why I have decided not to do so.

Writing is a vulnerable activity nonetheless but, is powerful when driven with emotion and honesty. I have always loved writing and as scholars, we are always encouraged to share our work and put ourselves out there. But, what happens when you're too honest and observant?

A humorous example that comes to mind when I think about honest writing is an instance in the beloved television show Gilmore Girls. In the eighth episode of the fourth season titled Die Jerk, our revered mother and daughter duo are in attendance at a Yale ballet performance to which Rory is assigned to review. With great inputs from Lorelai, she encourages her kind-hearted daughter to write a brutally honest review which comes with brutal repercussions from the performer. 

My point? 

I don't want the same thing to happen to me. While my entire personality may be based on the beloved fictional character of Rory Gilmore, I sure as hell don't want to live the same experience. I am a very kind person and I support the qualities of goodness in life and I want nothing more to upkeep that. But, at what cost am I letting go of honesty? 

Truthfully, I would have loved nothing more than to share what I was truly thinking but, I would rather mask my true feelings than hurt anyone.  What is most important in my opinion, is that I am aware of my honesty but, putting others and their feelings first is the greatest gift of all.


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