Getting Along and Going Through It Somehow


This semester has done many things for me, and while many things I could list are negative, I want to celebrate the VERY limited positive things. First, I have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. I am the proud owner of a successful photography business that keeps me busy. My academics and ongoing opportunities on campus have taught me that I am capable of anything. Lastly, I have faced some of my biggest fears. As an anxious person, that is something that I am most proud of. I have tackled the fear of speaking in front of my older peers and those who hold tremendous power over me somehow. I know this fear may sound a little ridiculous because I am working to become a teacher, but it is still a powerful accomplishment. 

As for my academics, I have grown to further love and appreciate what I am studying. While some academic speed bumps have occurred, they have helped me understand where my breaking point lies and how much I can tolerate on many levels. As for this English course, I had no idea what to expect when I enrolled, but I enjoyed my time. Being tossed into the department has come with its own set of challenges but, from this class, I was able to engage more with the department and leave with some new friends at my side. I loved almost all of the works we read, watched, and analyzed, and my appreciation for short stories has grown even more so than I expected. 

From Carver to Joyce and even Mr. Shakespear, this class helped me to remember the little things I have grown to love about Literature and the English world altogether.  I most enjoyed the discussion and blogging elements of the class, and I feel this outlet of creativity should be continued for a long time. 

With that being said, I am grateful for this course and its ability to make me fall in love with Literature even more than possible and teach me the power of diligence and connecting with like-minded peers.


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